
(for PUBLIC TALKS, look immediately below Danish advert)

For o. 100 år siden foreslog to rabbinere uafhængigt af hinanden en genvej til styring af redskaber, der er så avancerede at de kan tilskrives menneskelige egenskaber. Rødderne er bibelske, fortællekunsten folkelig, og konklusionerne sund fornuft af den art som også er rabbinsk.

’Ny Testamente’ med jødiske noter
Efter en generation med almen internetadgang til US-amerikanske universiteter og akademier var først 50, siden 80 jødiske akademikere i stand til at finde hinanden og dele deres interesse for den ’anden afdeling’, som Bent Melchior kaldte den. Det jødisk annoterede Ny Testamente er for tiden den største samlede gennemgang af kristendommens centrale tekster.

Mest aktuelle tilbud om begge foredrag hos

Public Talks

Most recent Golem event

A more ‘classic’ version composed for a general audience

Another example of Active Judaism is

The JANT is this generation’s most extensive study of Christianity’s key texts, complete with In-Text essays on food, Pharisees, the Law, etc., and 54 separate articles placing the ‘NT’ texts in their own social, historical, and religious context. A collective of, at first, 50 mostly US scholars have read and annotated the (US) New Revised Standard Version, an achievement that has begun to increase Jewish literacy of the NT as well as Christian awareness of its Jewish context. By Matthew, Mark, Susannah Heschel, Daniel Boyarin, et al. (OUP 2011 & 2017). The organisers will decide how to slant the talk, ‘What was St Paul’s role in shaping the new ‘creed’? ‘How Christian is the Apocalypse of John?*, etc.

Both talks have been thoroughly tested at and
For further reference, feel free to contact the Dublin Museum and the London libraries.